You Can Do Hard Things

Brian Ondrako
2 min readDec 4, 2023

As the saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

But, when it’s bone dry it can shipwreck them, too.

Here’s what I believe:

The environment we surround ourselves with has a massive influence on how we show up, what we focus on, and our belief in our abilities.

The world is nowhere near perfect and there is evil and hatred scattered all over the place. But that doesn’t mean we can’t see the goodness.

It’s not that we are turning a blind eye to the bad, it’s that we are choosing to not let it dominate our lives.

That’s in the choices of what we consume, who we surround ourselves with, and what stories we continue to tell ourselves.

That’s why I’ve chosen to be the optimist. That’s how I’ve chosen to parent, as well.

Every week, when my son returns to my house I write a different saying on his bathroom mirror. I want the first thing he sees in the morning and the last thing he sees before bed to be positive.

I want it to catch his eye and make him think.

I can’t control how he views the world and I can only provide him with the tools that I’ve acquired that I believe help us live a happier and more fulfilling life.

It’ll be his choice to adopt and use those tools.

It’ll be his choice to decide who he wants to surround himself with.

It’ll be his choice to decide what type of person he wants to become.

All I can do is continue to provide a positive environment for him to learn.



Brian Ondrako

Navigating busy working parents to take back control of their lives. What I’m up to now?